Monday, August 1, 2011

Where's Dad When You Need Him???

I'll bet you're wondering how I did with the Vegan Diet, yeah? Well I made it through breakfast and lunch and by dinner time I had a Turkey Sandwhich. I had all the best intentions but my body just felt so hungry. With that said, I have been trying to eat a little better, but the 3 Hershey's Chocolate Bars I had leftover from camping that I ate last night probably didn't help. Aunt Flow's about to be in town and sometimes she's pretty needy when it comes to her sweets

I went camping this weekend with a good friend and some of his friends that I've never met before (go figure.) There's just someting about being in the wild that takes me back to my childhood. There's nothing like the first time you try to set up a tent for the season. I guess I never set up much as a child, so maybe it's more of a reminder that I'm and adult. Having to cook your own meals, clean up after yourself, making sure you didn't forget anything. Camping is much more work than it seems! (Poor me, right?) Where's Dad when you need him?

The first night away from home and the comfort of your own bed is always the hardest. I found the air mattress I was sleeping on to be more of a Grand Canyon the way I started to plunge toward the middle as the air slowly crept out through the night. I also think it's a golden rule that when you're camping you hold in most of your bladder all day, and then the second you finally get warm and cozy in your sleeping bag, nature calls, and once the seal is broken you either go a bunch of times in the middle of the night, or you lay there in bed with a miserable bladder but warm toes at least.

And as far as the sleeping bag goes, when you first get all zipped up in it, things couldn't be better. You're in the wild, and toasty as a S'more, but as soon as you make one adjustment, you're as tangled up as your unwashed hair, and suddenly you have clastraphobia... At this point, after tossing and turning all night, you've probably been so loud that if there were any chance for your tent-mate to get some shut eye, that ship has long sailed. Which then brings me to the question, "Why are sleeping bags so loud?" Whoever invented them was maybe hard of hearing. I imagine my 90 year old Grandma to be sitting in her one bedroom apartment reading up on her how to get rich schemes and deciding to invent the sleeping bag. I must say, valid effort Grandma but it's obvious you were deaf.

Then there was the camping with the strangers. Everybody wants to know all about the newbie, which is in a way flattering. It's all rainbows and butterflies until you realize that every female at camp has individually asked you your age, and definitely not in the most polite way. Who does that? At least pretend you're not judging me until I leave and then judge away. Sheesh! I could feel the burn of her eyes scorching my body as she looked me up and down trying to go unnoticed, but very unsuccessfully. And as Britney Spears once Quoted, "I know I may be young but... I got feelings too!" She also finished that quote with how she would slave for me, but that's besides the point! ;p

I know it's been a minute since I last blogged so let's get caught up!

Day 16; Friday 7/22/11:

* Repetitive frog legs holding on to an air mattress in my moms pool. Decent exercise. Kind of silly, but I got to work on my tan.

Day 17; Saturday 7/23/11:

*Variety day. Started with P90X ab ripper video. Then I was on a mission to make a movie. I briefly jumped on a trampoline; Hiked part of Multnomah Falls; Hula hooped for a minute; Roller bladed for a minute; climbed some rocks for a minute; Humped a log for a minute (don't judge!)

It was actually a really fun day! The video I made was for a contest with Comcast Sportsnet NW to win a Go Pro Camera, and they aired it the following week and I won! Still have yet to recieve the camera. Here is the link to the finished product! :

Day 18; Sunday 7/24/11:

* Some ab/leg bicycles (I was exhausted from the day before)

Day 19; Monday 7/25/11:

* Wall sits off and on during the Bachelorette!

The Final Rose Ceremony is tonight by the way and my official pick is JP. I will be shocked if she picks Ben, although both seem like great men. I just felt like she was crazy about JP. She deserves happiness!

Day 20; Tuesday 7/26/11:

* Sun Salutations

Today was my release of sling day. 8 weeks were finally over. Felt like a lifetime. I just wanted to get my arms flowing and body in sync with the sun salutations. It was relaxing and felt refreshing.

Day 21; Wednesday 7/27/11:

*Full hike of Multnomah Falls

It was a beautiful day. As I was hiking back down a man in his mid-twenties was taking a picture of the falls and I stopped to wait until he was done before I walked by. Well he obviously didn't realize I was there and was taking his sweet time as I curiously crept over his shoulder to see what was so mesmorizing in his lens. His mother was down below further and could see what I was doing, and she shot me a huge grin from afar. Finally, as I startled the guy by getting creepishly close (again, I am the creeper) he turned beet red and apoligized and I moved on. When I got close to his mother, she was ready to chat my ear off. Asking me 21 questions, shook my hand and introduced me to her son, who got shades brighter the more she spoke. It was almost as if she were the host of "Singled Out" back in the Jenny Mccarthy days. As a defense, her son said, "She probably has to get back to her work out mom!" It was hilarious. I could have stayed to chat. I actually found it rather amusing this was happening. I almost felt bad for the guy...almost, because it's something my mother would try to pull. Oh Mothers...

Day 22; Thursday 7/28/11:

*40 minute bike ride

It was my first time on a bike since my surgery. I knew I was going camping the next morning so I wanted to get all packed up first. I ended up taking her for a late night spin. About 10:30pm-ish. Most of the ride was up hill and actually felt pretty good, but on my way back going down hill with a racer bike and a bad shoulder is not a good combination. Too much pressure. When my PT released me to ride my bike, I don't think they realized I would be riding around in a cruiser so I decided to not allow myself to do that anymore just yet!

Day 23; Friday 7/29/11:

*Detroit Lake "Frog Swim"

Yup! We took a trip to the "Party Cove" and I jumped ship and swam to shore and back to the boat. Not super far, but not super close. First time swimming since surgery too, so I kept it easy with the frog swim. Cold water was theraputic too!

Day 24; Saturday 7/30/11

*Hike to the top of Piety Island on Detroit Lake

It was actually sort of unintentional. I didn't sleep at all the night before and so I was awake before anyone else and decided to adventure. I was walking along the shore when the shore line started to wade, and I had nowhere left to go but up. I crawled through bushes, spider webs, possibly poison Ivy, Deer Dung (not sure what their poo is called but I thought it had a good rhime)... anyway, turns out after 20 minutes of hiking straight up the side, there was actuall a trail I could have taken. So I followed the trail to the top, and then marked my territory. No... I didn't drop the kids off at the pool! What do I look like here? I guess what I did was more like dropping the kids off at the park! ;)

Day 25; Sunday 7/31/11:

*Hoola Hoop on Detroit Lake Beach

Woke up and grabbed my hoola hoop that I brought with me camping and swung my hips baby. When I tried walking and hooping it was more of a work out, than stationary. Gotta get creative sometimes. :)

Haven't quite done my exercise today, but I did switch bank accounts. My bank decided to start charging me for checking after being with them since I was 18, so I dropped em like they were hot. Weather's beautiful this week. My best friend Wendals is in town, and we're gonna have a good time. Gotta get my oil changed and wash my car... again, where's Dad when you need him??? :)

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